AMV Contest
What is anAMV?
"Anime Music Video"
An anime music video, or ‘AMV’ for short, is a video production that uses footage from one or more animated works in conjunction with a musical track to create a whole new piece of performance art. The source of the video material used in each AMV can come from anime series, movies, video games, commercials, and even custom animated art designed by the editor. As for the music, any type of song can be used, including songs or audio tracks created by the editor.
DID you know you can learn how to edit your own Anime Music Video’s? We have some great videos that will teach you how to get started. Click on the Learn How link below and check out the build your own AMV videos made by our AMV guru Chris.

How to participate
If you would like to enter our AMV contest for the upcoming convention, then sign up below.
Also remember to review all rules lower on this page before entering!

Contest Rules
1: Contest Entries must be received no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Standard Time on September 28th, 2023. If your submission is going to be late, please contact us ahead of time so that accommodations may be considered. We understand that there may be difficulties in getting your videos to us, especially in the case of international shipping. We absolutely cannot accept any video submissions AFTER SEPTEMBER 21st, 2023. No exceptions!
2: Videos submitted to this contest must have a finalization date of no older than May 1st, 2022. Videos that are older than this must be authorized by the contest staff. All inquiries on this topic should be submitted to [email protected] via email. Any video that has been submitted to Anime Banzai’s AMV contest in previous years cannot be submitted to this year’s contest.
3: By submitting your videos to this contest, you affirm and agree to grant the contest sponsors and organizers (herein referred to as Anime Banzai and its affiliates), the unconditional license to publish, reproduce, distribute, and otherwise utilize each submission without restriction, in its entirety or in part, on the internet, in exhibitions, advertising, media, or wherever else may be deemed necessary for promotional purposes. Credit will be attributed to the creator or creators of each video used for these purposes.
If we use a video for such purposes, we will do our best to inform the creator beforehand.
4: By submitting your videos to this contest, you affirm and agree that the submission is entirely and without condition your own creation, and that it does not contain any material which may infringe on the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party. This includes channel, TV, studio, or program watermarks. If it does, you must have and present upon request proper authorization and/or license that has been obtained from the creator, distributor, or holder of such rights.
5: Each editor is allowed to submit up to 4 videos. This includes multiple editor project submissions.
6: All submissions must be no longer than 7 minutes in length. Any video that exceeds this time limit will be disqualified.
7: All video submissions must conform to a uniform standard of decency. Videos that contain excessive violence, explicit sexual behavior, excessive sexual innuendo, or excessively explicit lyrics will be disqualified. We are aiming for a PG-13 rating; decisions regarding the suitability of this material will be made by the judges and contest staff. If you wish to use music with questionable lyrics, please use a clean/radio edit version to help avoid disqualification.
8: Approximately 80% of each video submission must be made from video footage acquired from an anime/manga source. Video game cut-scene footage, computer graphics, and similar material is acceptable; non-anime animated material is allowed, but not encouraged.
9: No less than 75% of the total run time of the video must have musical accompaniment.
10: Subtitles are ONLY allowed if used for artistic or thematic reasons within the video. Videos submitted with fan-sub or official subtitles, credits, or incidental text for any other reason that are not removed prior to being entered into the contest will be disqualified.
11: All video submissions must be at a minimum resolution of 640×480 Full screen format, or 640×360 Wide screen format, and use an acceptable compression format. More information regarding resolutions and formats can be found on the Submission Guidelines page.
12: Parody videos of original material or derivative material is allowed, and must follow all of the rules of normal video submissions.
13: Video submissions will be placed by the judges and organizers into the category that best suits the video. Category choices marked on the submission forms will be used as a recommendation for these decisions.
14: We will be adding a bumper before and after each video presented during the contest event. These bumpers will display the title of the video, the name of the source material and music, the submitter’s editor nickname and/or studio name, and the video’s category and length. Do not add any bumpers, logo scenes, website links, watermarks or personal intros to the videos; any video with the aforementioned articles will be disqualified. Videos with material that is judged to be an integrated part of the video may be exempt from this rule, upon staff discretion.
15: All decisions made by the judges and staff regarding judging results, presentation, and organization of this contest are final. Any questions regarding these decisions can be directed towards the directors of the contest, [email protected].
16: In order to make the submissions process as simple as possible, editors for a multiple editor project should elect one of their number to act as a contact person when dealing with the Contest staff. The editor that has been selected as Contact should be the one to submit the AMV to our contest, and all correspondence regarding the video and the contest will be directed to the Contact Editor. This will help us cut down on the number of duplicate entries we receive, and ensure that we have the best information available for getting in touch with the editors when needed.
17: Only one copy of each video submission will be accepted, regardless of the number of editors who worked on the project. If we receive multiple copies of the same entry, we will get in contact with each of the submitting Editors and request that all but one of the entries be canceled. If we need to intercede in these cases, multiple submissions of the same video will be vetted on a “first come, first serve” basis – we will keep the first entry of the specific AMV we received, and the rest will be disqualified.
18: By entering a multiple editor AMV project into our contest, the submitter is stating that they have the express permission of all involved editors to distribute their work. The submitter in turn has granted this permission to Anime Banzai to publish, reproduce, distribute, and display the submitted AMV project as needed for exhibition and promotional purposes [as per Rule 3]. If we are notified of any requests to have the submission revoked by a dissenting editor that was involved in the project’s creation, we will attempt to contact each editor involved, and an appropriate decision will be announced by the Contest staff after due consideration.
19: Prizes awarded to an entry that is also a multiple editor project will be identical to those awarded to videos that are submitted by a single editor. If multiple editors of a winning video are present at the Anime Banzai AMV Awards ceremony, please let the Contest staff know so we can acknowledge participating Editors accordingly.
20: All prizes will be shipped to the address provided on the submission form. Please allow for 4-8 weeks for delivery of prizes; we cannot be held responsible for complications of shipping that may arise from customs laws of any country to which prizes may be shipped.
If you have questions regarding any of the rules listed above, please contact us. Our email address is [email protected].
What is an Anime Music Video?
An anime music video, or 'AMV' for short, is a video production that uses footage from one or more animated works in conjunction with a musical track to create a whole new piece of performance art. The source of the video material used in each AMV can come from anime series, movies, video games, commercials, and even custom animated art designed by the editor. As for the music, any type of song can be used, including songs or audio tracks created by the editor
How does the AMV contest work?
Editors send us a copy of their AMVs, our judges pre-screen entries according to the Contest Rules, and we show the best submissions from each category (as many as we have time for) at our convention in October. During the Contest event, our audience and guest judges will vote for their favorites. The winners will be announced at a particular event at the convention (usually a separate AMV Awards ceremony), and then posted to our site. Prizes and awards will be given to or sent to the winners!
How do I submit an AMV to the contest?
Editors send us a copy of their AMVs, our judges pre-screen entries according to the Contest Rules, and we show the best submissions from each category (as many as we have time for) at our convention in October. During the Contest event, our audience and guest judges will vote for their favorites. The winners will be announced at a particular event at the convention (usually a separate AMV Awards ceremony), and then posted to our site. Prizes and awards will be given to or sent to the winners!
All digital submissions and emails containing download links must be received by 11:59PM Mountain Standard Time, September 21, 2023.
~ Server upload - We have set up a server to which our contestants can directly upload their submissions; we would prefer to have as many videos submitted this way as possible. If you elect to use this method to submit your AMVs, we will send you a confirmation email with instructions on how to upload your files to the server.
~ Direct Download Transfer Site - Instead of using the server transfer, you can upload your videos to a site like RapidShare or MediaFire and send us a link. If your video is hosted at, or a personal website for your studio or editor group, we can also download it from there. You can include links to your videos when filling out your submission form, in the submission field marked "URL." The DDL link will need to be viable for at least 72 hours after we receive your reply; we will attempt to download files as soon as possible. YouTube is not an acceptable transfer site. They have a tendency to downgrade the video quality, and pulling videos from the site can be problematic. Please no YouTube links as submission links.
~ Torrent File Transfer - We can accept file submissions via Torrent P2P sharing. Please include a magnet link to your file's Torrent in the submission field marked "URL" when submitting your video. The Torrent seeder needs to be available for at least 72 hours after submitting your entry; we will attempt to download the files as quickly as possible.
~ Regular Mail or Parcel Service - If it's not possible to send your video over the internet, you can instead submit your video to the contest in physical format. We accept CD-R/+R and DVD-R/+R physical media; we cannot accept submissions on magnetic tape formats of any kind. Take care to carefully pack your discs to prevent any damage during shipment. You can get cardboard or foam padded Disc mailers from any office supply shop, or from the post office. We can also accept submissions mailed to us on Flash storage devices; if you want to use this method, take care to ask your local postal agents for appropriate shipping precautions. Note: Flash storage media will not be returned.
You'll need to include a printed copy of your submission form or confirmation email with your package. All packages must be postmarked by no later than September 21, 2023.
You can mail submission forms and media to the following address:
P.O. Box 575707
Murray, UT 84157
~ Hand Delivery - We can accept entries in person at Anime Banzai planning meetings; you can find the time, date, and location for these meetings on the front page of the Anime Banzai website, here. If you want to submit your AMVs this way, please contact us by email ahead of time, so we know to expect you. We CANNOT accept any entries at the convention, nor will they be accepted in person at any other time or place, unless an arrangement has been made beforehand.
We accept almost any kind of AMV for our contest. As long as your entry follows our contest rules, you're in!
What are the awards for the contest?
Every year we give out several awards, which are determined by popular vote or by the Judges.
There is an award for the most popular video submission in each category (ACTION, COMEDY, DRAMA, and CATEGORY X). Category awards are decided by audience and judges votes.
There is a Best in Show/Fan Favorite Award, which is awarded to the AMV that has the highest number of popular votes overall, determined by the audience's vote. Our judges abstain from voting on this one.
There are also awards for the following:
~ Local Award: We encourage our local editors to submit their AMVs to our contest! We give out a special award every year to the best Locally produced AMV. Local editors are those who live within the state of Utah.
~ Judges' Award: A special award is given for the video that catches the interest of the judges. This can include technically impressive videos, videos that show particular effort taken to obtain video sources, new editors, etc. Special attention is often given to editing skill, clever special effects, and clear results of tremendous effort.
AMV submission guidelines?
When submitting an entry for the Anime Music Video Contest, please send us the best quality format possible. Doing so will improve the chances that your project/s will win a prize.
Acceptable Video Formats
Please submit your best possible material. We prefer that you submit your entries at a minimum resolution of 640x480 for full screen videos, or 640x360 for wide screen videos. Both NTSC and PAL are acceptable, and all videos should have a frame rate of at least 23 FPS. We may be able to accept submissions with lower resolutions; video entries that pass a visual inspection, performed by a member of the contest staff, can be accepted.
High Definition
Anime Banzai's AMV contest accepts high definition submissions in 480p, 720p, and 1080p resolutions. Please encode your HD content in a common format and bitrate. While the main viewing projectors for the AMV contest are high definition (1080p), projectors used as repeaters (for the overflow room, etc.) may not be.
Acceptable Video Codecs
Basically, if we think it looks good, we'll accept it. We prefer AVI, MP4, MOV, MPEG2, MKV, and similar file formats.
However, the following codecs are not accepted for video submissions: RM, ASF, or any DVD video formats that have included menus. We don't have the time to strip DVD menus out of submissions. While we accept files in WMV format, the format is not preferred.
main viewing projectors for the AMV contest are high definition (1080p), projectors used as repeaters (for the overflow room, etc.) may not be.
Acceptable Video Codecs
Basically, if we think it looks good, we'll accept it. We prefer AVI, MP4, MOV, MPEG2, MKV, and similar file formats.
However, the following codecs are not accepted for video submissions: RM, ASF, or any DVD video formats that have included menus. We don't have the time to strip DVD menus out of submissions. While we accept files in WMV format, the format is not preferred.
If the bitrate of your submission is too low, or if we encounter any other problems with your submission, we may contact you.
Acceptable Audio Codecs
We accept WAV, PCM, AC3, MP3 and similar audio formats, at a bitrate of at least 160kbps. The higher the bitrate, the better. Please do not send in any audio formatted in Real Audio.
Our contest venue will probably not have the equipment to make full use of surround sound encoding; all of the videos we receive will be played at the presentation using stereo sound. Secondary showings, such as the AMV Contest Re-show in the Viewing Room, may be able to provide surround sound capability.
What do you need to create an AMV?
It varies from project to project, but you'll need some basics:
~ A personal computer with video and audio editing software. There are a lot of different options here, but it's important to remember that you'll need a lot of free hard drive space
and a video card capable of handling the workload. If you need more details, visit and youtube to get suggestions and help from the community!
~ Video footage to use in your AMV. Try to find the best quality video source you can, with the highest resolution. Footage taken from DVDs (or Blu-ray discs, if you can get them) and high quality digital media is the best. Some AMVs use only one source, but you can use as many as you like.
~ A song (or two) to use in your AMV. Again, try to find the best quality source that you can for your song selection. In many cases, DVD audio is the best source.
~ An idea for your video! This one's important! The best videos are those that have a strong theme or central concept.
~ Plenty of free time. Making an anime music video can take a while, especially if you're going to include material from a lot of different sources. Make sure you have enough time to finish your project before the deadline.
Do I have to be present for the contest?
No, you do not have to be present at the convention to compete in the AMV contest. We'd like to see as many of our contributors at the contest as possible, but many of them live out of state (and in some cases, in other countries). If you know someone who will be at Anime Banzai this year and you want them to accept any awards and prizes in your stead, you can fill out the Proxy form. Your Proxy will need to present the completed and signed Proxy form to the AMV Contest organizers in person, at the convention, before we can turn over any prizes or awards to your Proxy. If the editor or their proxy is not present at the convention, we will mail prizes and awards to the addresses listed on the submission form.
Are entries sorted by category for the contest?
We sort all of our AMV entries into 4 main categories, and into a handful of sub categories.
The main categories for video submissions are:
When filling out the editor submission form, you will be asked to select a category for each video submitted. This selection will likely be the category the video is entered into, but the judges may decide that your video belongs in a different category.
Any video that may not fit into the first three categories can be submitted as a Category X entry.
Please send us yourAMV questions
so we can helpyou better.